Mask etiquette and requirements are as follows:
You must wear a mask when arriving and departing, including all communication with our hosts when being seated.
You may remove your mask when comfortably seated at your table, and it may remain off while you are seated for the entirety of your meal.
If you wish to use the restroom, or to engage with our staff or anyone else anywhere but at your table, you must wear your mask.
We reserve the right to deny service to anyone at any point during your dining experience for not following these rules. Remember, it’s not just about your safety or your beliefs, it’s about everyone’s.
Bathrooms are open to guests. 3 people max allowed indoors waiting for the restrooms at any time. Please stand on the X’s taped on the floor or wait outside. Masks are required indoors (but do not need to be worn inside the restrooms).
We ask that you wash and/or disinfect your hands before arriving, and especially (although this goes without saying) after using the restroom.
If you see a friend… wave to them or text! But please remain at your table. We want to stay open and your behavior as guests is a HUGE part of that.
If you are feeling sick before your reservation, or have felt sick at all in the days leading up to it, please stay home and rest, or consider getting a test.
If you test positive for Covid-19 after dining with us, please let us (and any other public place you have visited) know as soon as possible.
We will be taking names and contact information for all guests dining with us, so please let your guests know and have this information on hand.
Keep 6 feet of social distance. You know the rules.